Where we race. Why We Race.
Local or international. For podium or for experience. We pick the races that reflect the spirit and grit of the team. Not all races are made equal, so we look for the events and the organizers who value their athletes and promote clean competition and community impact. Yes, we race for podium positions. But we also race to test ourselves, represent our team, support our teammates, and to bring exposure and understanding to our community and the communities in which we race.
Cycling, Trail Running, X-Tri, or more. Find out where Team CoreCo is racing, riding, or running throughout the calendar year and through each sport season. Local and international competitions, alike. You are invited to race with the team in our domestic events, our national spectacles, and anywhere in the world that the team races. Costa Rica, Iceland, Mongolia, South Africa? Reach for the stars, but keep the rubber side down.Come ride with us!
2018 Cycling
January | Titan Tropic | Cuba | Stage Race
January | Panama Off-Road | Panama | Stage Race
February | Iditarod Trail Invitational | Alaska | 130 Mile Endurance Race
February | ** SECRET EVENT *** | Costa Rica | Team CoreCo Event Launch
March | Vertical Challenge | San Marcos | Team Race
April | Reto de Quetzal | Guatemala | Stage Race
May | Guanaride | Guanacaste | Stage Race
May | Team Training Camp | Santa Teresa | Team Event
August | Mongolia Bike Challenge | Mongolia | Stage Race
September | Volcano100 | Rincon de la Vieja | 100 Miler
October | Nice Challenge | Nicaragua | Stage Race
November | La Ruta de los Conquistadores | Stage Race
2018 Trail Running
January | Vulcan Race | Guanacaste | 21km Trail Run
May | North Face Endurance Race | Liberia | 21km & 50km Trail Run
2018 X-Tri
February | Tri Las Catalinas | Las Catalinas | X-Tri Olympic Distance
March | Xterra Costa Rica | Guancaste | X-Tri Olympic Distance
2017 Cycling
February | Team Meeting | El Rodeo | Team Ride
February | Alta Gracia Stage Race | Perez Zeledon | Individual Stage Race
March | Reto del Quetzal | Guatemala | Carrera en Parejas
March | Shimano Short Track | La Sabana | Short Track
April | 12 Horas of MTB | Campamento Oikoumene | 12 Horas Indiv. y Equipos
April | Cerro de la Muerte Challenge | Tres Rios - PZ | Carrera por Etapas
May | GuanaRide | Tamarindo | Carrera por Etapas
June | Team Training Camp | Santa Teresa | Team Ride
June | Vuelta Masculina Internacional a Costa Rica | Trans Costa Rica | Stage Race
July | Vuelta Femenina Internacional a Costa Rica | Trans Costa Rica | Stage Race
July | AMPM #4 National Champs | U para la Paz, Cd Colon | XCO y XCE
September | Volcano100 | Rincon de la Vieja | 100 Miler
September | Trans Costa Rica | Heredia | Stage Race
October | Nica Challenge | Nicaragua | Stage Race
October | Baja Epic | Mexico | Stage Race
November | La Ruta de los Conquistadores | Stage Race
December | Titan Tropic | Cuba | Stage Race
2017 Trail Running
January | Vulcan Race | Guanacaste | 21km Trail Run
May | North Face Endurance Race | Liberia | 21km & 50km Trail Run
2017 X-Tri
February | Tri Las Catalinas | Las Catalinas | X-Tri Olympic Distance
March | Xterra Costa Rica | Guancaste | X-Tri Olympic Distance
October | Xterra World Championships | Hawaii | X-Tri Olympic Distance
2016 Cycling
February | Team Meeting | El Rodeo | Team Ride
February | Alta Gracia Stage Race | Perez Zeledon | Individual Stage Race
March | Reto del Quetzal | Guatemala | Carrera en Parejas
May | GuanaRide | Tamarindo | Carrera por Etapas
June | Team Training Camp | Santa Teresa | Team Ride
September | Volcano100 | Rincon de la Vieja | 100 Miler
October | Nica Challenge | Nicaragua | Stage Race
October | Baja Epic | Mexico | Stage Race
November | La Ruta de los Conquistadores | Stage Race
2016 Trail Running
May | Endurance 10K | San Jose | 10km Trail Run
2016 X-Tri
February | Tri Las Catalinas | Las Catalinas | X-Tri Olympic Distance
March | Xterra Costa Rica | Guancaste | X-Tri Olympic Distance
October | Xterra World Championships | Hawaii | X-Tri Olympic Distance
2015 Cycling
January | Palmarin | Puntarenas | Team Event
March | Absa Cape Epic | South Africa | Stage Race
March | Vertical Challenge | Domincal | Team Event
May | La Soledad | Playa Carillo | Team Event
May | Guanaride | Tamarindo | Stage Race
September | Rincon de la Vieja | Liberia | 100 Miler
November | La Ruta de los Conquistadores | Trans Costa Rica | Stage Race
Other Series Races : Powerade Six Race Series; Copa AMPM x 3; 12 Hour Race; XC Marathon Panama; Endurance Series' XC Marathon National Champs
2015 X-Tri
February | Tri Las Catalinas | Las Catalinas | X-Tri Olympic Distance
March | Xterra Costa Rica | Guancaste | X-Tri Olympic Distance